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History of iridology


You’ve probably never heard of iridolgy. It is a science that has been used for over 100 years to determine the inherent strengths and weaknesses of an individual. It is one natural, non-invasive, tool that you can use to better understand yourself and help improve your lifestyle.


The roots of iridology date all the way back to 1670 when it was written in Chiromatica Medica that signs in the iris indicated disease.


But, it is commonly believed that modern iridology began when Dr. Ignaz von Peczely noticed that the iris of his captured owl changed when it’s leg was broken. After the bone break some of the fibers in the owl’s eye receded, leaving a noticeable dark spot.


Dr. Peczely studied the relationship of injuries and iris changes for over 20 years. From that he developed the first topography of the eye. In 1881, Peczely published his theories in Discoveries in the Field of Natural Science and Medicine: Instruction in the Study of Diagnosis from the Eye.


Since then the study of the iris has progressed dramatically. Now, it is not only used to recognize injuries, but other internal, physical weaknesses.


Over the past 40 years the study of iridolgy in America has been led by Dr. Bernard Jensen. Dr. Jensen has devoted his life to the study and has developed his own methodology. His chart of the eye is the most used tool in the study of iridology in this country.


But, there are other methodologies. The most prominent are the German and the Rayid methods. Both are very similar to Jensen’s method, but vary in focus.


What does iridology tell us?

Recent research in iridology has confirmed that over the life of a person the physical weaknesses that develop are highly correlated to the markings in the eye. There is little, or no correlation, between the eye markings and the current physical condition of the individual. So, iridology can tell you about your inherent constitution, but cannot be used to diagnose.


The iris of the eye is shaped by the time one reaches the age of about seven years old. From that time on, there is little change to the iris. There can be changes, for example, following surgery or if one greatly improves the digestive system after a significant digestive disorder. There are also acquired conditions, such as high cholesterol or senility, that can be distinguished in the eye.


All methods of Iridology study the iris of the eye to determine the inherent strengths and weaknesses of the person. An iridologist uses the eye color, markings and fiber structure as a guide. By studying the iris an iridologist can determine what parts of the body are the weakest and are most likely to fail, given enough stress.


For example, it is known that there are only two true colors of eyes – blue and brown. There are other combinations that are caused by the overlay of brown colors over blue. This is commonly called a biliary eye that appears some shade such as hazel, green or light brown.


An iridologist can tell much about a person simply by the eye color. Those that have true blue eyes commonly have problems with sinus, upper respiratory and kidney weakness, leading to back pain. Those with true brown eyes often have weaknesses in circulation. Those with a biliary eye are more likely to have digestive problems.


An iridologist can also tell a great deal about one’s digestion simply by studying the structure of the iris closest to the pupil. It can be determined if the person is likely to have spastic colon or other weakness in digestion.


There’s much more, though, that an iridologist can tell. For example, a light colored ring around the outside of the iris is an indication of high cholesterol and weak circulation. Degeneration of fibers near the top of the iris is an indication of senility. A dark circle around the outside of the eye indicates weakness in skin elimination.


Specific markings in the iris are an indication of weakness in certain areas of the body. Depending on the site and type of marking it may indicate a weakness or over-activity in a certain organ.


So, what does all this mean?

It means that you can learn more about yourself and help yourself develop a program to maintain a fuller and healthier life.

If you realize that you are prone to have problems with circulation you can develop a program to lower cholesterol and blood pressure. You can do that by exercise, a diet restrictive in fats and red meats and you can strengthen your circulatory system by better nutrition, including the use of herbs, mineral and vitamin supplements.


If you know that you have a digestive weakness you can improve your health by eating more green leafy vegetables, decreasing the consumption of red meats and by cleansing your digestive system. There are mild herbal cleansing programs that will help.


If you know that you have respiratory weakness you can avoid diary products, develop an exercise program and utilize supplements to improve your lifestyle.


All in all, the more you know about yourself the more you can help yourself. In that way, you will feel better and enjoy life more.


How to obtain an iridology reading

We only know of one person in the area that has been trained and experienced in iridology. That is Suenna Lankswert.

She has extensive training and over ifteen year’s experience in iridology consultation. She offers iridology in her office in Louisville, Ky.


An iridology consultation takes about one hour, is painless and will give you more information about yourself than you’ve ever known before.


Come see for yourself.


Make an appointment

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